Photos courtesy of Ravichandran Sivaraman and Andy Koh.
It was certainly a day of polar opposites. With the spectre of H1N1 hanging precariously in the air, the turnout for the 28th June walk was the least so far. At the other end of the scale, the most species of butterflies were spotted, more than the other 3 previous walks.
Of a possible 18 participants only 9, made up of two families with children braved the onslaught of the swine-flu disease which have so far infected 454 Singaporeans as I was told then. Could their attendance be due to the presence of Dora the Explorer with her friend, Boots the monkey ? A resounding ‘Yes’ was the answer by the three children.
Whichever the case, all of us thoroughly enjoyed that day with Dora entertaining the kids and butterflies captivating the adults. We will let the pictures speak for themselves.
Butterflies seen at T3 Butterfly Garden |
* species not found in Singapore
# Taiwan subspecies, Singapore subpecies is chersonesia
& Malaysian subspecies, Singapore subspecies is australis
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